Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Our Ruapekapeka Pā designs.

We have been learning about land wars that happened in our area. We have been investigating Ruapekapeka pā which is located a few km's away from our kura.
The tamariki in Room 16 have created a story based on our class brain storm, they have also designed their own pā.
We hope you like our pictures.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Te Reo Māori

We are lucky to have Whaea Whetū come into our akomanga and teach us te reo Māori.
Today we recapped on our last lesson "He aha tēnei?" "What is this?" Whaea Whetū points to a picture and we answer by saying "He.................tēna" "That is a ......."

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Learning about healthy kai.

Today, together with Ngā Rau Rito we learnt about healthy foods. Fui from Project Energize talked about the importance of good kai. She said our bodies are just like a car and if we put the wrong gas in it we wont work that well.
We learnt the 4 food groups and different kai that goes into those groups.
They are: Fruit and veges, meat and meat alternatives, milk and milk products, and grain foods.

We had heaps of fun looking at the different kai, they looked so real!!!

Thank you Whaea Vanessa and Ngā Rau Rito for sharing your class with us, and thank you Fui for teaching us some new things. We look forward to our next lesson.

Monday, May 13, 2019

How tall are you?

We stood in a line from the shortest to the tallest.
Then we lay on our back and drew a line at our feet and the top of our head. 

We used finger span to see how tall we were. 
We then tried someone that was the same length as us.

Check out our photos.
-Korero given by Room 16, written by Whaea Toni.

Haylow is the tallest and Elizabeth is the shortest.

Look at all those different lengths!

We are using finger span to measure ourselves.

We are seeing if any of our friends are the same length as us.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Non-Standard measurement.

We are learning about non-standard measurement in maths.
We know that this means using things around the class to measure.

We noticed that a non-standard measurement tool doesn't have numbers on it like a ruler does.
We also noticed that everyone's hand span and finger span was different!!!

Fineone measures the white board.

Rayna shows Manihera how to use handspan.

Eze can measure a chair using finger span.

Check out all our different hand span sizes!!!