Friday, May 19, 2017

2017 this far.

Kia Ora koutou. This is our first post for 2017. 

We have done a lot of things this year, in term one we had a noho marae, we learnt about the different awa in the area, those that we whakapapa to and those that our school houses are named after, Taumārere, Tirohanga, Ngapipito and Waiomio. We grew our own plants, and also participated in the Motatau School Swimming Sports. We had fun cooling off in our school pool, and learning swimming techniques from Whaea Myra.
In term 2, we studied Matariki and Tuna. We had lots of fun learning about the tuna and some of us participated in the tuna weigh in, we even ate smoked tuna!!!! We shared our learning with our whānau at a Rau Kumara, Rau Tangata pō whakangahau. 

We had lots of fun, check our some of our photos from the year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nga rau rito My name is Maumahara. I like your photo's you post on your blog.
