Sunday, November 19, 2017

NGĀ RAU RITO & ROOM 13 CAMP 2017!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week, Thursday & Friday, we went on camp with Room 13.
The first day we visited Kiwi North in Whangarei. We were excited to go for a train ride and search for mini beasts before going to the Whangarei Aquatic Pools for a swim. We had a sleep over in our school marae, woke to an amazing breakfast prepared by our parent helpers then headed to Paihia to catch the foot ferry to Russell. We had a scavenger hunt on the beach and visited the Russell Museum. Here are a few pics of our camp.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Community Garden

We have a community garden at our school!!! 
The All For Heart community group, along with a few awesome helpers spent the last weekend of the holidays preparing a very cool garden. Today we went exploring and there are some really yummy fruit and vegetables. Well done everyone involved. :)

Monday, September 25, 2017

Movie Making.

We have had a lot of fun movie making these past 2 weeks.
We are making our movie through an app called iMovies. First, we brainstormed ideas. Second, we made a story board. Third, we came up with a script, and today we done all the filming with Whaea Devean and Tamarah from Ngā Rau Puawai. We are looking forward to seeing all the completed movie's from the many classes in our kura on Wednesday.
Here is a sneak peak to our movie. Can you guess the theme?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Whākawhanaunga day with Peowhairangi.

Today we had a whānau day with our tuakana from Totara house at Bay of Islands College. We had a fun filled day where we played games, sung waiata, performed kapa haka, coloured and had a kai tahi. We can't wait for our next one!! Check out some of our photos from the day.

Friday, September 8, 2017


Yesterday, (the 7th of September) was our school cross country. We were all super excited to be travelling by train, thanks Mrs. Henare for thinking up such a cool way to travel! A few of us from Ngā Rau Rito placed in the top 5 and will be competing in the SBOI competition in a few weeks time.
Well done to everyone who participated!! :)

Monday, September 4, 2017

Cultural Festival

On Friday it was the cultural festival here at Kawakawa Primary School in the hall. There were 6 other schools that came. We done kapa haka, waiata and kanikani. It was a great day and we had a lot of fun watching the other schools on the stage.
By Harley, Rawiri, Tu and Peyton.

Friday, August 25, 2017


We are super excited to be class of the week this week!!!
Whaea Sally and Room 2 awarded this to us for demonstrating the 3 R's, mainly for showing respect during wā taumata and sitting nicely. Thank you Whaea Sally and Room 2.
Nā mātou te whiwhinga nui.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Te hanga kēmu.

This week we made our own board game with Whaea Cara. We based it around the story "Sneezy, Weazy Mr. Shark". We added traps, express passes and made our own rules.
Today we taught a buddy how to play our game. It was super fun!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Today we had a lesson about recycling with Anuk. 
We learnt the difference between rubbish, recycling, composting and reusing.
Our favourite part was sorting the rubbish into the right category. We are very interested in making our own compost bin here at school.
How do you recycle at your school?

Friday, May 19, 2017

2017 this far.

Kia Ora koutou. This is our first post for 2017. 

We have done a lot of things this year, in term one we had a noho marae, we learnt about the different awa in the area, those that we whakapapa to and those that our school houses are named after, Taumārere, Tirohanga, Ngapipito and Waiomio. We grew our own plants, and also participated in the Motatau School Swimming Sports. We had fun cooling off in our school pool, and learning swimming techniques from Whaea Myra.
In term 2, we studied Matariki and Tuna. We had lots of fun learning about the tuna and some of us participated in the tuna weigh in, we even ate smoked tuna!!!! We shared our learning with our whānau at a Rau Kumara, Rau Tangata pō whakangahau. 

We had lots of fun, check our some of our photos from the year.