Ngā mihi o te tau hau NGĀ RAU PUAWAI.
I hope you have had an awesome break and are ready and eager for 2018. This year Ngā Rau Puawai & Ngā Rau Rangatira will be working in a collaborative environment, Whaea Verbina and I can't wait!!
While you are enjoying your last few days of holiday us kaiako are busy, gaining new knowledge & preparing for our year.
As you can see, there is a change in classroom names, year 4-5 we are Ngā Rau Puawai, with our tuakana class being Ngā Rau Rangatira.
Hei tēra wiki koutou mā, Whaea Toni.
Kia ora whanau. So excited about working with Ngā Rau Puawai and Ngā Rau Rangatira this year. Naku te rourou, nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.