Friday, May 29, 2020

Drip Art

This week NRRangatira have been looking at photo editing through the app Pics Art.

They each selected a photo and edited it however they liked, they then added the drip effect.
Take a look at some of their amazing mahi.
Ko Ebony tēnei. 

Ko Kailah tēnei.

Ko Mahina tēnei.

Ko Mahuta tēnei.

Ko Mama me tōna whānau.

Ko Maumahara tēnei.

Ko Ngarui tēnei.

Ko Quineil tēnei.


  1. Hi Nga rau rangatira it is Kailah I would just like to say that this was so much fun and a little bit hard because it was our first time anyways if you like to come and visit my blog and leave a comment it's @

  2. Tino pai rawa atu o koutou mahi 👍 haere tonu o koutou mahi
