Monday, June 25, 2018

Matariki Celebrations begin.

Today the year 10 students from Totara house at Bay of Islands college came to work with us. They led groups in traditional Māori games, done some toi, and taught a poi, waiata and haka. It is a great way to make connections with our tuakana.

Thursday, May 24, 2018


We are learning about healthy habbits in Ngā Rau Puawai. 
We done three different experiments where we tested how healthy or germ free our hands are. They are categorized in "Controlled", "Clean Hands" and "Dirty Hands".
Take a look at the progress over time.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Our Class Assembly.

Today was our assembly. Ngā Rau Puawai worked really hard to put this together. I am very proud of what was presented, their hard work and perseverance showed through.
Here are a few items presented on the day.



Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Rangatira Self Portraits

We have been working away at our rangatira portraits. These were made during our Treaty of Waitangi inquiry learning. What do you think?

Thursday, May 3, 2018


This term we are learning about conservation. Today we took to our town of Kawakawa and had a clean up. Ngā Rau Puawai was responsible for cleaning behind the toilets. We found a lot of rubbish that we sorted in landfill, recycling, cans/metal and plastics.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Assembly fun!!

We had fun putting together our class assembly. Take a look at the items we made.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Week 5 in photos.


Middle syndicate Kapa Haka - Haka off

Our assembly - Finesse Dance

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Swim Safe with Whaea Nikki.

Today we had our first swim safe lesson with Whaea Nikki from Swim Safe.
We learnt how to stay safe in the water, about survival, and life guard signals.
We look forward to learning more.

Encouraging word from our whānau

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


There has been a lot of flooding over night which means school had to close today.
Buses could not make it to pick up points, teachers couldn't get to school.

Here is a photo of Johnsons Park in Kawakawa town ship.

Were you or your school affected by the rain? Share you photos in the comments.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Thank you for getting the pool ready for us Mrs. Henare & Ms Ross.
We love cooling off and are looking forward to learning more swimming techniques.

Saturday, February 10, 2018


Today we paid our final respects to Mrs Lemon.
We will all miss you Mrs Lemon, your memory will live on in our school.
Moe mai rā i roto i ngā ringa aroha o tō tātou matua i te rangi.

Ngā tamariki o te akomanga Ngā Rau Puawai.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Our school has had the privilege of hosting whānau from Chief Little Pine School, in Saskatchewan Canada. Today we had a school wide poroporoaki for them as their stay has come to an end.
They are AMAZING people and we look forward to building a strong relationship with them.

Friday, February 2, 2018


We have been studying the First Nation people, the Cree Nation of Saskatchewan in particular.
It has been interesting learning about the similarities between our two cultures and we are very excited to host Chief Little Pine School students here in our marae.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


We have been having "Treaty Talk" in our class. We explored what a treaty is, why people have them, the pro's and the con's etc.
We now know that a treaty is: AN AGREEMENT OF PROMISES.
Here we are working alongside Ngā Rau Rangatira and discussing our whakaaro.

Friday, January 26, 2018


Ngā mihi o te tau hau NGĀ RAU PUAWAI.

I hope you have had an awesome break and are ready and eager for 2018. This year Ngā Rau Puawai & Ngā Rau Rangatira will be working in a collaborative environment, Whaea Verbina and I can't wait!!

While you are enjoying your last few days of holiday us kaiako are busy, gaining new knowledge & preparing for our year. 
As you can see, there is a change in classroom names, year 4-5 we are Ngā Rau Puawai, with our tuakana class being Ngā Rau Rangatira.

Hei tēra wiki koutou mā, Whaea Toni.