Tēna koutou katoa.
Ko Ngā Rau Rangatira mātou, te akomanga tuakana o te whānau reo rua i Te Kura Tuatahi o Kawakawa, i Te Tai Tokerau. 23 ngā tamariki i tā mātou akomanga, he tau 6, 7, 8 mātou.
We have been eagerly planning our movies in preparation for the Kaikohekohe Movie Night. At this stage we are unsure if this night will go ahead but we are hosting a day at our kura any way.
Our class have put themselves into groups and are creating their storyboards, as well as deciding on who is playing what role in their movie making. We have highlighted these as key roles; producer, director, film crew, cast.
I tū tā mātou hui ā kura i tēnei rā. Ko ngā tau 7 ngā kaiwhakahaere mō tēnei wāhanga.
I whakaatu mātou i ngā mahi mai tēra wāhanga, arā, ko te mahi 'Rongoā Māori', ko ngā toi 'Matariki Eye Art'. Anō nei i tū ngā tokowhā ā Mahuta, Kyle, Harleah rātou ko Harleah ki te whakahua i ngā mahi tuhi māhorahora. I waiata mātou i te waiata Aotearoa hei whakakapi i te huihuinga.
Ngā mihi ki te katoa o NRRangatira mō ngā mahi mīharo hei kawe i ngā mahi ki te kura.
Today was our class assembly. This was lead by ur year 7s.
We showed our learning from last term which was, 'Rongoā Māori', our 'Matariki Eye Art' and 4 students, Mahuta, Kyle, Harleah & Kahukura shared their tuhi māhorahora stories. We ended our assembly with the song Aotearoa. We learnt this song as we are currently learning about cultures and this relates to our NZ heritage.
Big mihi to everyone in our class who put in the effort to showcase our work to the school.