Thursday, February 27, 2020

Kei a wai?

E takaro ana mātou i te kēmu "Kei a Wai" ia wiki. He kēmu pai tēnei hei whakakaha i ā mātou ki te kōrero i te reo Māori. 

We have been playing the reo Māori game "Kei a Wai". This game is helping us with our oral language, and we are also learning to read te reo Māori...all while having fun!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Surf Lifesaving

We were fortunate enough to be given te opportunity to learn about surf lifesaving.
We travelled to Ruakaka with Ngā Rau Tipuranga and some room 12 tamariki where we learnt from 2 of the local life guards.
All our tamariki thoroughly enjoyed the drills, and swimming.
Thank you to Sofia and Stella for sharing your knowledge with us.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Hui ā-kura

I tū tā mātou hui ā kura i tēnei rā. Nā ngā ākonga te katoa o tēnei hui i ārahi. I hanga tiriata e pā ana ki; Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Ngā Kīwaha, Te hopuni ki Marsden Bay, Ngā hararei, me te TikTok hoki.
Ko te wero o te rā, kia kōkohu i ngā mahi ako i roto i te reo Māori, ko te whakapaoho i tā rātou reo hoki. Miharo rawa ngā mahi katoa.
Anei ngā tiriata i whakaaturia e mātou.

Today we hosted our class assembly. Everyone in our class contributed to the items that we shared which included; Our whakaaro about Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Kīwaha that we will be learning this term, Slideshows about the year 6 & 7 camp at Marsden Bay, a video about our holidays and TikTok.
Whaea Toni challenged the year 8's by setting the task that they speak Māori when presenting items, which they did!!
Check out the mahi we shared.


Tik Tok


Marsden Bay

By Ngarui & Mahina  

 By Kahukura & Maumahara

Ngā Hararei


Ngā Kīwaha


Friday, February 7, 2020

Kia Ora 2020.

Tēna koutou katoa.
Our first week of school saw the year 6&7's head off to camp on the very first day of kura!, but not before we welcomed our kaiako, and tamariki hou to our school. We were also fortunate to have a visit from a navy choppa that was in our area for the Waitangi Day celebrations.
Here's a sneak peak of our week!